Saturday, July 18, 2015

A new team Rises

Sneak Peak at the Power Rangers cross I'm working on. Little sumthin' sumthin' for you guys.


“So...This was his last project before fleeing the village, huh?”

“Yes.” The simple reply was all Danzo needed to say to catch the Sannin's glare.

“It should have been destroyed. Or at the very least, I should have been told!” As he snapped at the village elder, who didn't even bat an eye, he absently moved his hand over it. The sleekness. The simplicity. Yet the untold power...The door cracked open, revealing an Anbu, carrying a metal case over to the two men. Opening it, Jiraiya's eyebrow went up in curiosity. He hadn't felt something like this in a while. “If it wasn't for those colors, I'd swear I was looking at-”

The case snapped shut before he could touch the items within, and the Anbu ran towards the window and leapt out, hopping rooftop to rooftop around the village. “I'm going on record that I feel like this is a bad idea,” Jiraiya announced. “Is it a good idea to be unleashing something of Orochimaru's, even if you feel like it's under control?” Frowning, Danzo turned to the Toad Sage.

“No...but at times like this...with Sarutobi dead, and you leaving to search for Tsunade...we need to have some sort of advanced fighting force,” he replied. “When we took over this project, as I've told you, Sarutobi was the one who had insisted upon it. He believed that despite Orochimaru, this project could be used for the good of our village and the betterment of our Shinobi.” Jiraiya was silent, but only for a moment.

“Explain to me does this work?”


You were correct. Those crystals you just saw have near identical composition to the crystal on the Shodaime's necklace. After the deaths of Tsunade's Fiance and Brother, Orochimaru became curious as to what went wrong that caused the deaths. It was indeed the crystal, but it isn't least, not in the mystical sense...”

Due to the sound of hammering nails, the young woman nearly missed the sound of the soft 'thunk' as a Kunai embedded itself into the wall she was repairing. Alarmed, Tenten whipped around, but was surprised to see an Anbu, who gave her a quick nod before leaping away. Turning to the kunai, she noticed now a strange, dark blue crystal hanging by a wire from the ring of the throwing knife. Something about it felt strange, and yet she was compelled to take hold of it.

Grabbing it, taking it in her hand, she felt it vibrate and heat up. She prepared to let go, but a burst of chakra and smoke erupted around her arm, as though a summoning jutsu had been performed. Looking to her wrist as the smoke cleared, she saw the jem was now embedded into an arm-guard, right above the hand. She stared at it confused for a moment, before looking back up toward the Anbu, who was long gone.


The crystals react to chakra. Harmonizing and amplifying it. However, what Orochimaru got wrong is that you can't harmonize a crystal to a chakra that doesn't match. His attempt to force that led to many deaths. The crystals only harmonize with a specific, matching chakra signature. The crystal chooses its shinobi, so to speak...”

As the two combatants neared for their clash, they were forced apart by two kunai knives stabbing into the earth between them. Neji and Lee stopped their spar, looking to the already retreating ANBU, before they each turned their attention to the kunai, a small gem attached to the ring of each. Kneeling to the green gem, the one that landed nearer to him, Lee reached out and took it in his hand. The green crystal was warm to the touch and pulsed a little, before the Taijutsu user's hand was engulfed in smoke. Shaking it in shock, he and Neji took note of the arm-guard on his hand, the jem sitting neatly over Lee's hand.

Following suit, Neji gripped the black gem given to him tightly, his fist too burst into smoke, the arm-guard resting over his forearm as well. The Hyuuga noted with interest that the bracer was covered in seals of some kind. He hoped that they'd be given some explanation on what these things were. And why he felt so good right then. He and Lee shared a look.


So, find shinobi capable of harmonizing with the Crystals...”

And the gems amplify the user's chakra by an enormous factor. Though to be fair, we haven't yet tested it, so there might be some side-effects. All we know for certain is the massive increase in chakra when the gems become active is dangerous. That's what the suits are for. They contain the chakra, keep it localized and focused, regulating the flow until the shinobi 'power down,' so-to-speak.

Ino turned, smiling brightly as she placed the arrangement on the counter. She was helping her family with the shop today. Business was booming. Shame it had to be because of the losses suffered in the sand-sound invasion. And there was the chime of the bell, signaling yet another customer. “Welcome to Yamanaka's...” she ceased speaking as she looked into the porcelain mask of an ANBU. The ANBU agent said nothing, merely held out a purple crystal. The platinum blonde blinked owlishly, but reached out still. The crystal radiated a soft warmth that felt good in her hand. She yelped when the gem suddenly erupted in smoke. As she shook it off, Ino looked to the ANBU for answers, but the shinobi had already vanished.

Ino turned her attention to her new accessory. An arm guard, the jewel from the ANBU glistening in the center of the back of her hand. She gently stroked it with the fingers of her opposite hand, feeling the warmth, and a slight pulsation too. “Huh...” she mused, confused by the whole ordeal.


Naruto let loose a howl as he slammed his fist into the tree at the training ground. While the others had put on a smile, tried to move past it, the blonde was hit harder than anyone knew. The old man was dead. They won the battle. The leaf won. So why did the old man Hokage have to die? Naruto wasn't fool enough to think war had no casualties. But the Hokage had always seemed so...invincible. To be Hokage was to be the strongest...wasn't it? The blonde Ninja didn't know anymore.

The bark had been completely stripped from the tree, and he was beginning to tear chunks from the trunk itself. He pulled his fist back yet again, ready to rip another piece of wood free. “Naruto Uzumaki?” His flying fist halted inches from the wood, Naruto turned to face the ANBU black ops agent with a confused look. The masked ninja merely held out his hand. Still confused, Naruto likewise held out his hand, and a tiny, bright-red jewel was deposited within it. The orange-clad genin had no time to contemplate what the tiny crystal was, it engulfed his entire forearm in smoke, before he felt something clamp over his arm.

“He-HEY!” Naruto shouted, his previous seething all-but forgotten. “What gives!” The ANBU had left, however, leaving Naruto to stare in confusion at the new arm-brace, the gem almost glowing with an ethereal flame within. And indeed, it was warm to the touch. The blonde stood, blinking, staring at the new object stuck to his arm. “What the hell?” he asked himself. Trying, and failing, to remove the arm-guard, Naruto just sighed before returning to his training

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