Saturday, May 30, 2015

Weapon X almost ready for an update

Almost finished with the new Weapon X. Here's a preview for you all.


Naruto crept through the trees, claws extended, as he sniffed the air. The trick wasn't to decipher the scents all at once. Merely separate them into their individual smells and work from there. The musty tree bark. It had rained. The wet fur of animals. He attempted to use his heightened hearing, but his target was a much more highly trained shinobi, and could mask themselves far too easily. It didn't help that he was blindfolded.

There! He heard it. The sound of feet stepping down on wet grass, before he registered a claw swiping his face. Naruto lashed out with a roar, but hit nothing but air. The flesh healed easily, but it still stung for the few moments before then. “Damn it, Hana!” he shouted. A female laugh met his ear, and he took off in that direction. Slamming into a tree in the process. With a snarl, he slashed at the trunk. Unlike his previous exercises in the last few weeks, he cleaved through the entire tree in two strikes.

Naruto took a deep breath, reaching deep inside to try and tap into that rage he felt burning now, every moment of everyday since returning to the village. Instinctively, he dropped to all fours, his claws returning to their sheathed position within his forearms. Crouching low, he picked out the scent of his training partner in the grass beneath his feet. Taking off in the direction of that scent, he knew he had to hurry. He was being timed.

Hearing a creak of a branch, and knowing his time was running out, Naruto let loose a howl as in one mighty slash he cleaved through the nearest tree. Kicking the sliced tree down, he nabbed the circular pieces hurling one in the direction the sound came from, like a massive, blunt shuriken. Hana leapt, brushing several leaves along the way...leaves that Naruto heard. Taking the other piece, he threw it to where he was sure she would land, and his lips curled into a smirk as he heard the Inuzuka let out a pained grunt, as though the wind had been knocked from her lungs. He had likely hit her in the gut. He watched as the girl tumbled from the tree she was in.

Hana was actually surprised, and a little impressed. Naruto was improving by leaps and bounds. Sure, he continued to hesitate when it came to releasing his primal nature, but his time with the two Inuzuka women had allowed him to grow a bit more comfortable. When that chunk of wood slammed into her, it sent the air from her body, disorienting her enough to put her off balance and causing her to fall from the branch, falling on her back to the hard ground below.

Groaning, she tried to sit up, but was forced back to the ground, a foot pressing into her body to hold her. She opened her eyes as she heard the metallic 'snikt' sound she had come to know as Naruto's claws. She felt the tips of his claws tickle her neck and knew the training session was over. Sure enough, her mother appeared, a ringing alarm in her hand, and unlike her daughter, her canine companion stood loyal at her side. She was smiling brightly, pleased with her apprentice's progress.

“Very impressive,” Tsume announced, as Naruto helped Hana off the ground. “I think it might be time to get you started on actual missions.”

“Finally,” Naruto replied, leaning against a tree. “Please tell me we don't have to go after that damn Tora the Cat? Sounds too annoying, and besides, why take the mission from Kiba's team?” Tsume snorted at the thought and Hana giggled slightly. She had chased after that demon cat enough times to know exactly what her little brother was going through, and was amused by his tales of Tora outmaneuvering them.

“Given your...condition...” Tsume began, clearing her throat when Naruto growled. “I've convinced the Hokage to allow you to take on C-rank missions through and including B-rank missions, and provided there are at least two jonin, you may come along on A-rank missions, pending the Hokage's approval.” Naruto actually widened his eyes at that one.

“How did you get the old man to agree to that?” he asked, thinking that the Hokage would never let a genin on such advanced missions, no matter how strong or invulnerable they were. Tsune coughed a bit, rocking from her toes to her heels, and refused to make eye contact. Looking for all intents and purposes like a kid who did something naughty and got caught.

“Well, I knew he would never willingly agree,” she said, smiling, rather ironically, like a cat who swallowed a canary. “So, I kind of let it...slip in the last council meeting about your progress.” Hana, realizing what that meant, covered her mouth in amusement.

“Mom, you didn't...” she said. Tsume just nodded.

“The downside is that your enemies on the council now know you could be a threat. The upside is that your supporters on the council know you could be a threat to the enemies of Konoha. And it's the supporters who put pressure on the Hokage.” Naruto snorted at this declaration.

“I have supporters on the council?” he asked, incredulously, almost amused at the very idea. Tsume nodded.

“Most of the shinobi council, and possibly the elders, but they're so old and irate it's hard to tell at all,” she responded. Naruto actually seemed surprised by this. A bird cried out, causing the three to look at the flying animal. “Damn. We'll have to cut this session short. The Old man wants to see me.” Reaching into a pouch on her hip, Tsume tossed some money over to student. “Head on over to the Ramen stand. I'll meet you over there when I'm finished. Won't take long.” She didn't have to tell Naruto twice. He practically took off on all fours. Hana shook her head.

“I'd better be going too. Duty calls, and I have to make sure the Triplets are prepped for the mission.” Tsume nodded in understanding. The two shared a look for a moment before they and Kuromaru vanished in a swirl of leaves.


Have the day off for Saturday. I expect to have the full thing out by tomorrow (Sunday) at the latest.

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