Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Mortal Kombat remake Fancast

Mortal Kombat Fancast!!!!!!!!!

Part 1
With Mortal Kombat X being released recently, I figured an interesting thing to do for my first blog post would be a Mortal Kombat Fancast for if they would ever remake or reboot the original movie. I would like to point out simply that these are simply my opinions of who I would like to see in the roles, based on both looks, personality either on-screen or off. If you don't like my suggestions, please do not get all prissy about it. Just shake your head, chuckle, and move on. Let's get started. ROUND ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHT!!!!!!!!

1. Raiden - Liam Neeson

Ok, hear me out. Some people think that Liam is overused these days, and in a way, it is true to an extent. Liam Neeson has become a memetic badass. And that is exactly why he is perfect to play Raiden, Mortal Kombat's God of Thunder, and Defender of Earthrealm. Every role he has had in recent years have prepared him immensely for such a pivotal part in what would be an incredibly violent and stylized film.

We know he can play a total badass, which is emphasized by just how many times he has played the action star. Taken, the Gray, and more recently, Run All Night. We know he can play the wise old mentor, as evidenced by his roles as Qui-gon Jinn and Ra's Al Ghul. And more important, we know he can play an imposing god. As Raiden, he might not be releasing the krakken, but he very well can release a can of whoop-ass. He's not quite as buff as the Thunder God, but neither was Christopher Lambert. Even without the visible muscle, Liam is fiercely imposing, standing at a towering 6' 4", and commands a powerful presence on screen. He's the only one I can see taking over the role.

2. Johnny Cage - Chris Evans
Chris Evans. Dear Elder Gods, Chris Evans. He has the look. That Johnny Cage, super-sexy super-star look. He can do action, he can do intensity, he can do funny, he can do awkward. But most importantly, we know he can play that self-centered, arrogant, egotistical douche with a heart of gold, and we know this because he absolutely rocked a role we know and love. Another famous Johnny. Johnny Storm, aka, the Human Torch.

But what we must ask ourselves, is can we really get past the idea of Captain America slamming his fist in someone's nuts instead of Hitler's face?


Actually, hitting someone in the nuts is practically an American pastime. Ok, he's in.

3. Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion - Ian Anthony Dale

Not much to say about this one actually. It's a rather hard sell unless you've seen Mortal Kombat : Legacy. His performance as Scorpion was amazing. And with a multi-million dollar budget, the fight-scenes can get bigger, the effects (such as his hellfire and teleporting) can be amazing. He has this great screen presence, and unlike the original film, in Legacy, he uses an actual chain whip, rather than the...whatever it is that came out of his hand in the original.

4. Sonya Blade - AJ Cook

This was a difficult one for me. I had to define Sonya Blade. I needed to do so in a way that really speaks to her character, but vague enough to at least keep some options in. I decided to define her as a bad-ass blonde who is tough as nails, who is also very disciplined and well trained. And in the end, AJ Cook won out. Fans of Criminal Minds know her best as Jennifer "JJ" Jereau, the BAU's Press liaison, and the one who selects which cases the team takes on in each episode.

Another facet of Sonya is that she is a member of Special Forces, while JJ is a member of the FBI. Perhaps some don't see how those are comparable, but it's a role similar enough in my eyes that I feel Cook could do Sonya Blade justice. She isn't as muscular as Sonya, but as stated before, neither is Liam Neeson as bulky as Raiden. Muscles are only half the fight, and we all know that Sonya is skilled, and I think AJ Cook can properly portray this character.

5. Liu Kang - Rain

I'm not gonna lie...I did not see Ninja Assassin. However, I do remember thinking the trailer looked amazing. From that trailer, you see that Rain has the look. He has the intensity. And he has the build. Sure, he's not Chinese, but I really don't care. I didn't freak out about a black Human Torch, why would this give me any pause?

6. Sub-Zero - Andy Lau

Andy Lau is no stranger to martial arts, and fantasy. The House of Flying Daggers and Detective Dee: Mystery of the Phantom Flame respectively. Who better than to star as the icy Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Kuai Liang. Better known as Sub-Zero.

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